Hi There!
I said in the previous blog post that I had something cool come this weekend. Well, it's Sunday now, and that means....
My youtube collaboration with the channel How To Do Stuff With Ethan is now up!
Let me explain.
About three weeks ago, me and my friend Ethan decided we wanted to do a youtube collaboration. We spent the first two weeks deciding on the topic of our video (which is the creation and science behind a book!) and writing our scripts. And then, the last Saturday of March, we recorded a zoom meeting of us presenting our pieces and talking about them! We both had the file so we each edited it in our own style.
And now it's here!
Ethan has an awesome channel called How To Do Stuff With Ethan where he talks about science, coding, math and things like that! You can check him out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN_M9CqtRgPGzNAFN5ExqTg/videos
You can view the How A Book Is Made collaboration here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNDqAW29gsA (Don't forget to check out Ethan's version on his channel!)